RESP received a $2.5 million, multi-year S-STEM grant from the NSF in 2024. This current S-STEM grant follows $1.199 million of NSF funding that supported RESP from 2016 to 2022 and made it possible to increase the number of students in the program by 50%. In awarding the first grant, the NSF praised RESP’s “anti-remedial” pedagogy as innovative in the landscape of academic bridge programs. Taking note of RESP’s success in improving STEM retention and four-year graduation rates among students from under-resourced and under-represented communities, the NSF’s current support is directed at increasing the number of lower-income students served by RESP. In the first year of the grant, NSF funding is supporting 40 Pell-eligible students’ participation in the program, including summer bridge stipends and scholarships, summer housing subsidies for student researchers, and summer tuition scholarships.
Project Team: Angel Martí (PI), Matt Taylor (Co-PI), Margaret Beier (Co-PI).